Ensemble for better hydrological forecasts is not only a call to draw attention to the numerous advantages of pooling efficient hydrological solutions to enhance operational forecasting and decision-making; it stresses the need for more human collaborations all along the modelling chain, i.e., among modellers, forecasters, users and decision-makers.

Efforts undertaken to improve the value of hydrometeorological forecasts have clearly shown that a lot of work can be better achieved together, sharing accomplishments and lessons learned.

Following previous workshops, the 2016 HEPEX Workshop will be an opportunity to meet and share. We will discuss a range of technical, scientific and social topics related to hydrological ensemble prediction systems. This includes post-processing approaches and downscaling of atmospheric ensemble forecasts, community multimodel endeavors, hydrologic data assimilation (what and how), ensemble verification and value of predictions, post-processing of hydrological predictive distributions, uncertainty quantification and user acceptance, communication of forecast services and products, risk-based decision-making, and many more.

Special attention will be paid to methodologies and systems developed by researchers and operational services around the world, with focus on how multi-actor collaboration is an asset or a challenge.

The following FloodNet HQP and Investigators will be presenting:

6 June 2016 - Poster Session - Kurt Kornelsen and Paulin Coulibaly (Network Administrator and Investigator McMaster University) - Investigating the relationship between precipitation input and model parameter distribution during calibration: initial results from 72 Canadian basins

6 June 2016 - Poster Session - Frezer Seid Awol (HQP McMaster University) - Comparison of ensemble verification metrics on daily mean flows and monthly peak flows

6 June 2016 - Poster Session - Mabrouk Abaza (HQP Université Laval) - Exploiting the novel Canadian Meteorological ensemble reforecasts for the post processing of their ensemble forecasts

7 June 2016 - Session #6 - Antoine Thiboult (HQP Université Laval) - Investigating quality and value of dissimilar streamflow forecasting systems